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Tonzo Marketing Conference of The First Half of 2009


In the first half of 2009, the market of Tonzo has been enlarged, and the number of customers was increasing. However, affected by the financial crisis, Tonzo is facing more and more challenges. In the marketing conference, the general manager and all the sales manager all gave speeches. The general manager pointed the importance of brand management, and the sales managers all have the faith to build Tonzo as the leading brand of the market of the plastic pipes. All the members of the company are facing grate challenges. Every salesperson in the Marketing Department is confident and enthusiastic.

The following tasks of marketing will be strengthened in the second half of 2009:

1. Improve the brand recognition and VI system, standardize the format of advertising, and enhance brand image.

2. Promot the brand based on the specific products and markets of Tonzo.

3. Accelerate the reserve and training of sales talents. The sales team is a young and passionate team. Many of them are students who have just graduated from colleges and universities. They are young and lack of experience and effective methods. They need to be strenthened by training and learning.

4. Improve customer service.  Put efforts on the supervision of pre-sale, sale and after-sale process to provide effective support to every customer, so as to build the service brand of Tonzowith a positive,

Through the summary of the first half od 2009, we have a better understanding of the market and our future work. The marketing center commit to all the colleagues that they will bring the company to a higher level in the second half of 2009.